growing orchids is no harder than growing houseplants - it's
just different. Don't be
embarrassed for a minute by what you don't
know. We all started out the same way.
all "orchid
killers" before
we became
"orchid growers".
I amazed
at all the books and websites that promise "secret tips and
tricks" on orchid care basics for beginners. Spend your time
to remember all those tips and tricks and you'll miss the real joy of
caring for orchids, which is learning the rhythms of nature and
how those magnificent flowers are created!
Don't be fooled. There are no secrets or
shortcuts to
orchids. Simply follow
nature's way. It's not difficult.
When you get it
right the
satisfaction is immeasurable! Nothing beats
the feeling of accomplishment when your first orchid(s)
bloom again!
Even after 20 years, I still get a thrill when new flowers appear.
I've had
hundreds of conversations with enthusiastic growers who've
had amazing success. Many where ready to
give up!
I think you're going to enjoy growing orchids more by understanding how
nature works with these magnificent plants instead of trying
to remember an endless set of rules.
So what makes orchid growing different? Here are 5 basic
principles that you need to know as a beginner grower.
- Lesson #1
Why don't orchids
grow in potting soil?
Unlike palms,
ferns, and
philodendrons (which grow in the ground), orchids grow on rocks
trees. Their roots are exposed to the elements. Growers use many
different types of potting materials to copy nature. Planting an orchid
in potting soil and treating it like a
houseplant is a sure way to kill
Hydroponic Advantage:
Our Hydroponic
System replaces all those strange
potting materials with clean, easy to use clay pebbles. Orchids love
growing our unique clay pebbles because the roots get the right amount
of air and moisture. Plus, our clay pebbles never rot or
Guide - Lesson #2
Are Tougher Than Most People Think?
Orchids are not the finicky plants most people think they are. In fact,
they're much more durable than houseplants!
In nature, orchids tolerate wind, rain, and long dry periods between
showers. They need to be hardy creatures to grow in
those conditions.
is the #1 killer of orchids.
Most beginner growers think
all orchids grow in tropical rain forests and they need
a lot of water.
Actually, where many orchids grow rain can be scarce. They
survive because their roots are designed to absorb water quickly and
store it in the plant's thick leaves and stems for future use.
orchids is more like growing cactus than growing
Stop killing your plants by overwatering! Our Hydroponic System has a
water gauge that tells you when (and how much) to water! No more
Guide -
Lesson #3
Over Do it!
grow in harsh
To survive they've adapted to living
comfortably on a
diet of water and nutrients.
Keep this in mind when growing at home! Orchids can't handle a lot
of water or fertilizer.
Giving your new orchid an
"extra dose of fertilizer" to help it perk up is exactly the WRONG
thing to do!
Do you feel like eating a big meal when you're not feeling well?
Orchids feel the same way! They're solitary creatures and they don't
like to be fussed over. In most cases, they do better when left alone!
Sidebar: I visit my orchids once a week on watering day. They get
whatever they need on that day, and that day only. Then, they all wait
until next week for anything else. No "in between" visits.
Overwatering is the #1 killer of orchids. With traditional growing
methods, your plants get water only when
you water them. As a beginner grower, you'll want
to check them
everyday to make sure everything is just right. And you're going to end
up over doing it!
With our hydroponic system your plants will get exactly what they need
to be healthy and happy without your help!
Our Hydroponic System
automatically provides everything your plant needs day
after day. The only time
you're needed is refill the system every 2-3 weeks!
Guide -
Lesson #4
flowers does not mean your orchid is dying.
do not bloom continuously. They all have a growing season
and a
season. When those beautiful, exotic flowers fade away and die, your
plant isn't dying. It's just finishing its "blooming season" and is
starting its next "growing season".
Each type of orchid has an internal calendar marking these
seasons. Some orchids bloom in summer, and others bloom in
winter. Some bloom for only a
week, others display flowers for three months or
Healthy orchids
should bloom at least once a year, some twice a year. One of the most
difficult things for the beginner
grower is:
patience to wait for
the next bloom cycle.
Hydroponic Advantage:
It takes a healthy plant to produce
flowers. Hydroponics isn't magic, but
it will improve the health of your plants, which promotes
blooming. |
Growing orchids in our Hydroponic System makes orchid care easy for
beginners. You'll feel like you've been growing them all your
Orchids growing in

growing on rocks