| |
the Transplant - Oncidiums | | Oncidiums usually adapt to
hydroponics without incident. Plants with
roots transfer easily. If
your plant had damaged roots
a little "tender loving care" might be needed.
| Oncidum transplants
in our
greenhouse. (We use Grow Trays instead of Outer Pots and
Gauges.) |
| How to Water | 
|  | Water to
1/4 - 1/2 on gauge. 1/2 is middle line on indicator. | Wait
until system is dry before
rewatering. |
Care - Oncidium
Bright light
with some direct sun is ideal. Temp:
Omcidium like cool
temps 65-75 degrees during the day and 50-60 degrees at night
best. Water: Water to 1/4
- 1/2 on
gauge. Then wait until system is
completely dry before rewatering. |
Transplant - What to Look For
| We find healthy Oncidiums to
be heavy drinkers after transplanting.The LECA pebbles in our
system seem to be the perfect media for their rather thin
roots. As
moisture is
"pulled up" from the
bottom by the LECA pebbles, fresh air circulates around the
The perfect environment for new root growth!
| |  Psuedobulbs
on a healthy Oncidium |

Healthy Oncidium roots are
almost white in color and have a supple texture.
Transplant - Possible Trouble
| If you
found rotted and
mushy roots when transplanting, your plant wasn't happy in its
pot. The roots where suffocating as the potting materials
decomposed. This potting mix did not drain well and the roots
where too wet.
Another common sign of trouble is wrinkled
pseudobulbs. Wilted,
wrinkled psuedobulbs means your plant's root system has shut down and
isn't absorbing water. Your plant is dehydrated.
image below shows the difference hydroponics can make. I'm holding an
Oncidium with a dehydrated pseudobulb on the left. The
decaying root system just wasn't delivering moisture
to the plant. The plant on the right has active roots. See the
| Decaying roots.
Healthy Oncidium roots should be white. Did your old roots look like
this? | | Comparing
| | Wilted plant! Your
first instinct is to more water.
Stop! That's exactly
the wrong response!
Inactive roots
need more air,
not more
Water plant by running
fresh water through the pebbles at the
sink. Return plant to outer pot. Do not allow standing water at the
base yet. The space between the LECA pebbles and the openings in our
culture pot will promote good air circulatation around the roots. This
stimulates new growth.
Older psuedobulbs
may never
fully recover. A better approach is to watch the new growth. You can
see a new growth in the image comparing plants above.
| Run fresh water through the
roots 1-2 times a week.
| | We aslo recommend giving the
roots a boost with KLN Rooting Solution. The
new watering routine will be:
- Mix KLN (2 TSP per
- Take
the plant (and inner pot) to the sink and slowly pour KLN solution
through the pebbles. No nutrients yet. Nutrients are for leaves and
flowers and can actually be harmful to undeveloped roots.
- Return
plant to outer pot.
- Repeat
process 1-2 times per week.
unused KLN solution in a cool, dry place (refigerator is good - be sure
to mark the bottle!). These
plants will take 4-6 weeks to respond. When it looks like it's
(starts looking
perky or forms a new growth tip), return to the regular watering
routine along with
nutrients. Otherwise, continue watering with this process until plant
recovers (or until you decide to give up and send the poor thing to
"Plant Heaven"). Note:To prevent
spreading disease, don't try
capturing solution for reuse at the sink. |
Rooting Solution gives new roots a
BUY KLN now |