My Cattleya has new growth and new roots.

by Cinzia
(Moncks Corner, SC)

The old pseudobulbs are brown and wrinkled. Should I remove them? Thanks

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Dec 05, 2022
Removing Old Pseudo Bulbs from Cattleyas
by: Jeree


Generally speaking I keep the old pseudo bulbs because they contribute to overall plant growth.
The pseudo bulbs on your plants look dehydrated and can be removed however.
Looks like repotting might be necessary for these plants. I suggest removing them from their pot and discard everything that doesn't look green and supple. You might not have much left. Replant with fresh LECA in a smaller pots - if you have them. Water by simply pouring water through the pebbles at the sink once a week. No standing water at the base. Have patience - new growth should begin Feb - Mar.

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