Beginner Grower and I Took a Chance Moving My Plants Outside

by Mary
(St. Charles, IL)

I'm new to growing orchids and never thought about putting them outside until I read your newsletter last spring. I only have 6 plants (all Moth Orchids) and I have transplanted them all into your hydroponic system.

So I decided to take my chances and set up my plants outside just like you describe - clay pots and all.

Wow!! I thought they were happy in the hydroponic system, but I wish you could see them now! I have lots of new leaves and I can't wait to see new blooms!

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Oct 10, 2013
Outside for Summer
by: the Hydroponics Guy

Hi Mary,

You're certainly not alone when it comes to moving your plants outside for the first time. Sometimes you have to be brave. Don't worry, orchids are tougher than you think.

Sounds like you've done all the right things this summer ( .... that was easy). Now let's look for blooms this winter!

Just like with anything else, sticking to the basics when starting out has its advantages.

Keep up the good work.

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