Thank You for Your Newsletters-Now I'm Comfortable Experimenting!

by Diane D.
(Pittsburgh, PA)

ALL my orchids went outdoors - albeit a tad later this year. The ones in expanded clay have been doing amazingly well.

We have had an exceptionally wet summer and the only issue I've had is having to 'dump' water out of those pots. The cork- mounted Dancing Ladies are thriving. The others in the mud mix have bulbs I can't believe.

This year has been exceptional - weather swings from the 40s at night into the 80s during the day. This being the first year I've summered the hydroponic ones outdoors and will not hesitate ever again.

I look forward to hearing how to 'de-bug' the hydroponic ones - have plenty of experience with the others. Thank you for your newletters - you've taken me from Orchids for Dummies to a place where I'm quite comfortable 'experimenting'.
Keep up the good work :)

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Oct 10, 2013
Outside for Summer
by: The Hydroponics Guy

Hi Diane,

The clay pebbles we grow in are a ceramic so they can withstand all kinds of weather outside. In the future if your plants seem to be standing in water all the time you might try adding a layer of stones on the bottom of the tray. Then your plants will be sitting up a little higher and above some of the water. No need to worry about plants drying out if it keeps raining.

Whatever method you use for "debugging" on your other plants should work on the hydro plants too.

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