  Hydroponics for Orchids
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  Transplanting to Hydroponics
   - Cattleya
    - Oncidium
   - Paphiopedilum
   - Phalaenopsis

Orchid Care
   - Cattleya
   - Oncidium
   - Paphiopedilum
   - Phalaenopsis

   - Aphids
   - Mealy Bugs
   - Scale
   - Spider Mites

Hydroponics for Orchids

  • Problems growing Orchids?
  • Repotting taking too much time?
  • Fighting insects or disease?
  • Can't add plants because you travel?
  • Your orchids never bloom again?

This is the Simplest Growing System for Orchids Anywhere

Replaces other media. Cleanier, easier to use. Less root decay.
Tells you when to water Eliminates overwatering.
Designed for maximum air flow at the roots.
Plants get everything they need for strong healthy growth. No fertilizer runoff or buildup.

The Perfect Media for Orchids

LECA   (Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate).

Your orchids will benefit in many ways with LECA:

  • no rot, decay or mold
  • more oxygen to the roots
  • less disease and insects
  • better nutrition

LECA pebbles provide the ideal mix of air and moisture to the roots. Both you and your orchids will like the clean, healthy environment without decomposing bark, mold, or bacteria.

With LECA pebbles there's no rot or decay so there's less repotting .....

Our Lightweight Expandable Clay Aggregate

Easy Watering  ......


No more guessing about watering! Is the plant too wet ... or too dry? What holds water - what doesn't?

Our Water Gauge tells you when to water (or when not to water!). A Decoratve outer pot holds the water and the LECA pebbles pull up nutrient solution to the plant safely and evenly. At the same time the openings in the culture pot promote maximum air circulation at the roots.

Imagine, no more trips to the sink for soaking and no more worries about water on the floor!

Balanced Nutrition Means Healthy Plants

What nutrients are your plants are actually getting? Complete, balanced nutrition is easy with our system. No more guessing. Just add a few drops of nutrients to the water and your plants will get everything they need for healthy growth and vibrant blooms.

No worry about salt buildup either. Just flush the roots at the sink every couple of months and all the bad stuff washes away!


Beginner or Expert, You'll Benefit from Our System


LECA pebbles at work

With our system your orchids will practaclly take care of themselves. Imagine your orchids in a single media that's clean, easy to use, and won't breakdown.

Spend less time on your plants and get better results!

Healthy plants are easy with correct watering and balanced nutrition. Fewer insect problems - and other plant ailments too!

Beginner or expert, your orchids will benefit from our system!